How to align your team with a one-page business plan

How to align your team with a one-page business plan

How to align your team with a one-page business plan

Discover the power of simplicity with a one-page business plan
Discover the power of simplicity with a one-page business plan
Discover the power of simplicity with a one-page business plan


4 mins

Mees Ruijgrok
Mees Ruijgrok

23 September 2024

Businessplan OGSM
Businessplan OGSM
Businessplan OGSM

The Power of Simplicity: A Business Plan on One Page

We understand how challenging it can be to get everyone on the same page. But what if we told you that the key to success lies in simplicity? A one-page business plan can work wonders for your organization. It forces you to get to the core and provides clear focus for your entire team.

Imagine this: no more thick reports that disappear in drawers, but a concise overview that everyone understands and can apply. This is not a utopia, but a proven method that has helped countless companies achieve their goals. Let's take a look at how you can use this powerful tool to unite your team and propel your business to new heights.

Define Your Objective

The first step towards an effective one-page business plan is crystallising your objective. This is the foundation upon which everything rests. We understand that it can be difficult to distill years of vision and strategy into a few sentences, but this challenge forces clarity.

Start by answering these crucial questions: What is the essence of your business? What problem do you solve for your customers? What differentiates you from the competition? By answering these questions, you are not only forming the basis of your plan but also creating a compass that guides all decisions and actions within your organization.

Set SMART Goals

With a clear objective as your foundation, the next step is to set SMART goals. This method ensures that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. We often see companies struggling with vague ambitions, but SMART goals bring focus and make progress tangible.

Instead of saying, "We want to improve our customer satisfaction," for example, say: "We aim to increase our Net Promoter Score from 7 to 8.5 within the next 12 months." This gives your team a clear target to work towards and makes it easy to measure progress. Remember that each goal should contribute to your overarching vision and objective.

Visualise Your Strategy

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this certainly applies to your business plan. By visualising your strategy, you make complex ideas accessible to everyone in your organization. This can take the form of a flowchart, a mind map, or even a simple table. The goal is to be able to see the connections between different elements of your plan at a glance.

This visual approach not only helps in communicating your strategy but often uncovers connections or gaps that might otherwise go unnoticed. It encourages creative thinking and can lead to valuable insights that further strengthen your strategy. Moreover, a visual representation makes it easier for team members to understand their role within the larger picture and identify with it.

Involve Your Team in the Process

A one-page business plan is not something that should be created in isolation. By involving your team in the development process, you not only create a better plan but also foster immediate buy-in and ownership. We have seen how powerful this can be: teams that shape their strategy together are often more motivated and effective in executing it.

Organise brainstorming sessions, ask for feedback, and encourage open discussions. This process can be challenging and may bring disagreements to light, but it is precisely this dialogue that leads to a stronger, more embraced plan. Additionally, this inclusive approach ensures that diverse perspectives and expertise are taken into account, resulting in a more holistic and realistic business plan.

Implement and Iterate

A plan is only as good as its execution. Once you have drawn up your one-page business plan, the next crucial step is implementation. Make the plan visible to everyone in the organization and integrate it into daily decision-making processes. Use it as a reference point during meetings and when setting priorities.

But remember: a good business plan is not a static document. The business environment is constantly changing, and your plan must evolve with it. Schedule regular evaluation moments to assess the effectiveness of your strategy and adjust as necessary. This flexibility, combined with the focus of a one-page plan, allows you to respond quickly and effectively to new challenges and opportunities. Download our templates here and get started right away!

Celebrate Successes and Learn from Challenges

Aligning your team to a one-page business plan is a journey, not a destination. Along the way, you will encounter both successes and challenges. It is essential to celebrate the victories, no matter how small they may seem. This reinforces the sense of progress and motivates your team to persevere.

At the same time, it is important to be open and honest about the obstacles you encounter. Do not view these as failures, but as valuable learning experiences. By regularly reflecting on what works and what doesn't and adjusting your plan accordingly, you create a culture of continuous improvement. This adaptability is what distinguishes successful organizations in a rapidly changing business world. Want to know more? Schedule a call here!

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