OGSM: Your Business Plan On One Page


An effective business plan is critical to the success of any company, big or small. The OGSM (Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Measures) model offers a powerful method for summarizing your business plan on a single page. In this blog, we'll discuss how to create, write, and set up a business plan using the OGSM model.

How do you create a Business Plan?

Creating a business plan starts with establishing your company vision and mission. This forms the basis for formulating your goals (Objectives), which is the foundation of the OGSM model. After that, you specifically state what you want to achieve and decide how you are going to measure this.

How do you write a business plan?

When writing a business plan, you elaborate on the four parts of the OGSM model:

  1. Objectives: What do you want to achieve?
  2. Goals (Goals): How do you make these goals specific and measurable? Use KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for this.
  3. Strategies: What actions do you take to achieve your goals?
  4. Measures (Dashboard & Action Plan): How do you measure success and track progress?

These components must be clear and concise so that the plan is easy for everyone involved to communicate and understand.

How to get started on a Business Plan

Start by determining the overall direction of your company. Define the mission and vision, and then break it down into specific objectives that you can follow with OGSM. Use a business plan template to structure your ideas and not overlook anything. See here our templates.

What does a business plan look like?

An OGSM-style business plan fits on one page, providing clarity and focus. This format is particularly useful for communication within the company and with external stakeholders.

How does a business plan work?

A business plan acts as a strategic roadmap for your company. With OGSM, you can set goals in both the short and long term and monitor your progress, which is crucial for successful implementation.

How big should a business plan be?

The size of a business plan varies, but with OGSM, you can summarize your plan on one page. This provides a compact and powerful overview that is easy to communicate.

How important is a business plan?

A well-drafted business plan is very important. It provides clarity about business goals and strategies to achieve them. OGSM offers an overview of your business plan at a glance.


Creating a business plan with the OGSM model is an efficient way to visualize and communicate your business strategy. It's suitable for startups, scale-ups, family businesses and SMEs, and provides a clear overview of your goals and strategies. Get started with your OGSM business plan today and take the first step to business success!

Do you need help setting up your OGSM business plan? Take here contact us for more information and guidance!

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